Código: 9788579950636
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This work gathers contents and memories central to the understanding of the current Brazilian stage set design. With texts and pictures resulting from a extensive research, the book is divided into the following topics: Brazilian set design from its beginnings to the present day, scenographers and experiences prior to the 1940s, scenography decade by decade from the 1940s to the 1990s, scenography for festivals, exhibitions and research centers, the status of the professional scenographer and the most important Brazilian scenographers. Winner of the Jabuti Award 2014 in the Arts and Photography category. This ebook contains images that are best viewed on tablets.


  • Editora:  EDIÇÕES SESC
  • ISBN:  9788579950636
  • Capa:  Brochura
  • Edição:  1ª EDIÇÃO - 2014
  • Formato:  23.00 x 23.00 cm
  • Páginas:  420
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